"ॐ तत्पुरुषाय विद्ध्महे महादेवाय धिमाही तन्नो रूद्र: प्रचोदयात!!!"

Aath Mukhi Rudraksha

Mantra:  Om Hum Namah
Deity : Eight Mountains
Useful  for those who face many obstacles and are unlucky. It bless the wearer with intelligence and extreme luck for money.

(Aath Mukhi Rudraksha )

This Rudraksha is like eight mountains and has power of mountains. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi ( method of purification & charging with Mantra) become free from the sorrow of all the eight Prahar ( 24 Hrs of the Day is divided in eight portions called Prahar) and get all the Happiness. This Rudraksha is highest among the seven Power i.e. Sumeru. The wearer of this Rudraksha get success in all of the ventures.
If this Rudraksha is used with two mercury balls; it will increase the wit and open the new opportunities for the wealth and money. It can be worn on either Monday, Amavasya, or Purnima.
Note : Above details are taken from ancient handwritten text and Guru Mukha. The description is seen in the deep meditation of Lord Shiva by Lord Datta Treya.
Rules for the Rudraksha: The Wearer of the Rudraksha should chant related Rudraksha Mantra along with Rudraksha Utpatti Mantra (Mantra for the Rudraksha Origin) daily at least 9 times while wearing and removing in the night before going to sleep. More Rules ...
Mukhi Rudraksha as per the Puranas :
Eight faced Rudraksha is the second form of reflection of the first son of Lord Ganesh and is one who is worshipped prior to other gods. Eight linings present on it makes it a very effective Rudraksha. Its wearer becomes unaffected by miseries – physical, divine or mental. It sets the wearer free from the sin caused by telling a lie. It gives the wearer all kinds of attainments – Riddhies and Siddhies and leads him to Shivloka. His opponents are finished i.e. the minds or intentions of his opponents are changed and all obstacles in his path are removed.


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